Dead Wolf Club – Healer (review)

Dead Wolf Club, for those unaware, are a rather intriguing and more importantly rather good band hailing from London.

I first became aware of this band when they played at The Compass in Chester, after which I promptly purchased their eponymous CD.

Needless to say, I was rather excited to hear they were returning to play the same venue again about a year later, armed with their new 4 track EP, available on glorious green 10” vinyl no less.

Dead Wolf Club - Healer album art

For me, Dead Wolf Club achieve the seemingly contradictory feat of being both energetic and shouty while also being contemplative and thought provoking, by which I mean I’d be equally at home sweating in a mosh pit at one of their shows as I would be staring out the window contemplating life, the universe and everything while listening to the same songs crackle out of my vinyl player.

Another appealing quality of Dead Wolf Club is that, in this the age of super polished pristine production, they are refreshingly raw, bringing to mind the glory days of 1980s noise-pop.

The combination of jangly guitars over energetic bass and drums reminds me a little of Dark Star, with vocals alternating seamlessly between the soothing and the shouty, perhaps best evidenced on opening track ‘Flood’ which builds from the former to the latter.

The same stands true for the guitars, which alternate between the jangly and the fuzzy.

All-in-all, I’d highly recommend ‘Healer’ to anyone looking for new music to get into, and I’d recommend checking out Dead Wolf Club on the live circuit if you haven’t already.


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