Review: Dominic Berry ‘Tomorrow, I Will Go Dancing’

Hello ladies, enbies and gentlemen.

This is my review of the book ‘Tomorrow, I Will Go Dancing’ by Dominic Berry, who has been described as “Manchester’s premier Queer Vegan Poet”.

dominic berry

I enjoyed the book very much and would recommend it to anyone regardless of their sexual and/or dietary preferences.

I particularly enjoyed the references to He-man And The Masters Of The Universe in poems such as ‘Beast’, the lampooning of McDonald’s in ‘The Happiest Meal’ and the celebration of vegan dining in ‘My Favourite Meals’.

The book reads like an autobiography told through poetry, sometimes humorous, sometimes painful, sometimes comforting and Dominic welcomes the reader to either read the body of work in one sitting or dip in and out of his timeline however they fancy, preferably with a slice of vegan cake.

I saw Dominic perform at the Chorlton Vegan Festival and found him to be an engaging live performer who strikes up a great rapport with his audience.

Anyone who’s interested should check out Dominic’s website:


Myself and several others will be having a herbivore hangout tomorrow (Tuesday 26th May) at 9pm British Summertime if anyone would like to watch. We have a full house of participants, but if anyone would like to participate in a future hangout, please feel free to contact me.

Topics we will be discussing include environmental veganism, fruitarianism and controversial animal rights activist Gary Yourofsky.